

Sunday, 27 January 2013


 1) Desribe the roles and purpose of data ware-houses and data marts in an organization.

The purpose of the Data Warehouse in the overall Data Warehousing Architecture is to integrate corporate data.  It contains the "single version of truth" for the organization that has been carefully constructed from data stored in disparate internal and external operational databases.
The amount of data in the Data Warehouse is massive.  Data is stored at a very granular level of detail.  For example, every "sale" that has ever occurred in the organization is recorded and related to dimensions of interest.  This allows data to be sliced and diced.                                                     


 2)Explain the relationship between business intelligence and a data warehouse   

Many of the tool vendors who sell their products or softwares call it business Intelligence software rather than Data warehousing software. so what is it? Business Intelligence is a term commonly associated with data warehousing. Business Intelligence is a generalized term where a company initiates various activities to gather today's market information which also includes about their competitor. Today's business Intelligence systems are contrasted to more classical way of information gathering in mining and crunching the data in the most optimal manner. In short we can say BI simplifies information discovery and analysis. In this way the company will have a competitive advantage of business and intelligently using the available data in strategic and effective decision making. it has the ability to bring disparate data under one roof  with a meaningful information and ready for analysis.

Business intelligence usually refers to the information that is available for the enterprise to make decisions on. A data warehousingsystem is the backend, or the infrastructural, component for achieving business intelligence. Business intelligence also includes the insight gained from doing data mining analysis, as well as unstructured data (thus the need fo content management systems).
Let me give the path of Data warehousing. All the source data from disparate sources are used to load/Stage data. Different sources can be flat files, another database or some other process. The starting point of the Data warehouse should extract the data in order to load into its environment.This is extracting. This data may not be the expected format or size. your business demands are different or your organization business requirements are different. So the business process has to modify the data or better word is to transform the incoming data to meet requirements and objectives. This is called Transformation. Once every slicing and dicing of the data is done along with applied business rules, this data is ready for loading into the target tables. This process is called Loading. So overall till now we have done Extraction, Transformation and Loading. In short we call this ETL. There are lot of tools available in today's market which does help in achieving the ETL process. Once this data is loaded in to the database, this is ready for next processing. We call that database as Data warehouse database. The next process could be building of datamarts or directly reporting from it. There are lot of tools/software available for reporting/analysis. Some call it business reporting or analysis tool. But if you see the whole process has intelligence involved in business. we can call this or the gurus call it Data warehousing and the system involved from end to end is called business intelligence system.

chapter 7

1) Define the fundamental concepts  of the relational database model.
 A database can be understood as a collection of related files. How those files are related depends on the model used. Early models included the hierarchical model (where files are related in a parent/child manner, with each child file having at most one parent file), and the network model (where files are related as owners and members, similar to the network model except that each member file can have more than one owner).
The relational database model was a huge step forward, as it allowed files to be related by means of a common field. In order to relate any two files, they simply need to have a common field, which makes the model extremely flexible.                           

2) Evaluate the advantages of the relational database model.

The popularity of the relational database approach has been apart from access of availability of a large variety of products also because it has certain inherent advantages.

1. Ease of use: The revision of any information as tables consisting of rows and columns is quite natural and therefore even first time users find it attractive.

2. Flexibility: Different tables from which information has to be linked and extracted can be easily manipulated by operators such as project and join to give information in the form in which it is desired.

3. Precision: The usage of relational algebra and relational calculus in the manipulation of he relations between the tables ensures that there is no ambiguity, which may otherwise arise in establishing the linkages in a complicated network type database.

4. Security: Security control and authorization can also be implemented more easily by moving sensitive attributes in a given table into a separate relation with its own authorization controls. If authorization requirement permits, a particular attribute could be joined back with others to enable full information retrieval.

5. Data Independence: Data independence is achieved more easily with normalization structure used in a relational database than in the more complicated tree or network structure.
6. Data Manipulation Language: The possibility of responding to ad-hoc query by means of a language based on relational algebra and relational calculus is easy in the relational database approach. For data organized in other structure the query language either becomes complex or extremely limited in its capabilities.

 3)  compare relational integrity constraints and business- critical integrity constraints

There are two types of integrity constraints: (1) relational integrity constraints and (2) business-critical integrity constraints.
Relational integrity constraints are rules that enforce basic and fundamental information-based constraints.
Business-critical integrity constraints enforce business rules vital to an organization’s success and often require more insight and knowledge than relational integrity constraints.
 4) describe the benefits of a data- driven website

the benefits of a data-driven websites is .....

  • Enabling many (potentially non-technical) users to provide content for the website. Users can publish articles on the website without needing to FTP them to a web server.
  • Shopping cart
  • You can provide advanced search functionality that enables users to filter the results based on a given field. They can then sort those results by a field - say "Price" or "Date".
  • Customized homepage
  • You can allow your users to perform tasks such as registering for a newsletter, post questions to your forums, provide comments on a blog, update their profile, etc.
  • Integration with corporate applications such as CRM systems, HR systems etc
  • Much more


Thursday, 24 January 2013


 For this chapter, madam intan tell us to give the differentiation of CIO, CTO, CSO, CPO, and also CKO. 
This is what me and friend learn with her in lab. So,im going to give the explanation all of this type which is :

 1. Chief Information Officer (CIO)
is responsible for overseeing all uses of information technology and ensuring the strategic alignment of IT with      business goals and objectives. The CIO often reports directly to the CEO. Functions usually include Manager, Leader, and Communicator.

   2. Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
is responsible for iensuring the throughput, speed, accuracy, availability, and reliability of and organizations information technology. CTOs have direct responsbility for ensuring the efficiency of IT systems throughout the organization. They have knowledge of all aspects of IT, Including hardware, software, and telecommunications.

  3.  Chief Security Officer (CSO) 
is responsible for ensuring the security of IT systems and developing strategies and IT safeguards against attacks from hackers and viruses. CSOs possess detailed knowledge of networks and telecommunications because hackers and viruses usually find their way into IT Systems through networked computers.

  4.  Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) 
is responsible for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information within an organization. CPOs are the newest senior executive position in IT.

  5.  Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) 
is responsible for collecting, maintaining, and distributing the organizations knowledge. The CKO designs programs and systems that make it easy for people to reuse knowledge. CKO must continuously encourage employee contributions to keep the systems up to date.

The greatest problem between business personnel and IT personnel is that there is a gap of effective communication between both departments. A communications gap often exists between both departments because business personnel usually have their own vocabulay based on their experience and expertise and IT personnel have there own vocabulary which consist of acronyms and technical terms.

effectiveness and efficiency using facebook in bussines

Now, we are going to discuss about the effectiveness and efficiency of using bussines to increase our bussines company.
Today, the internet is one of the most popular places for businesses to advertise in. Every website you visit, you will see that there will be advertising everywhere.With hundreds of millions of people visiting the internet on a daily basis from all over the world, you can be sure that advertising here will definitely increase your sales.

One great website that you may want to concentrate your online advertising campaign on is Facebook. Today, this social networking website is now considered to be one of the largest social networking websites existing. 

With figures like this, you know that it will provide you with a very big opportunity to increase your sales and your profit. In fact, it is so huge that large companies or corporations are now marketing on Facebook.
Basically, Facebook is a social networking website. Once you join, you will be able to find your friends who are also a member and add them to your list. This will create a small group of your friends and it will enable you to view their profiles and know more about them and vice versa. You can even send and receive messages as well as comments.
These are the things that you can do with Facebook. It is basically the fastest growing social networking websites today. Because of this, a lot of people have started marketing on Facebook. The great thing about Facebook marketing is that it provides a free and easy way to promote products and services. With the included tools in Facebook, you will be able to take advantage of it, such as promote our product and services to others and family members and also friends.
This is a great way to generate targeted traffic to your website and it will enable you to increase the potential in selling your products and services as well as increase the volume of sales.
Because Facebook is available for people from all over the world, your business will be able to reach out to more people if you advertise on Facebook.
As a conclusion,with Facebook you will definitely be able to efficiently market your business. Marketing in Facebook is free, easy, and fun.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Bussines Processing Reengineering/ Redesign


Business process re-engineering is the main way in which organizations become more efficient and modernize. Business process re-design also transform an organization in way that directly impact perfomance.

What the USE of Business Process Re-engineering/ re-design in Business???

1) can save a money which is running at a loss,
2) by charging the present process through BPR a losing bussiness can make a profit.
3) Can find new business dimensions
4) BPR will open up new dimension into the existing business
5) Continues improvements will enhance the business performance
6) Over all change could enhance the performance of the business
7) Improves quality
8) Improves the quality of service delivery and customer satisfaction
9) Speedier
10) Drawbacks of BPR
11) Could be a costly process
12) Need to invest huge sum of money to introduce such a system
13) Time consuming process
14) It takes lot of time to design such a system and some time take years to plan properly
15) Extensive planning required
16) Need experts to implement and monitor
17) Lack of experts
18) It is bit difficult to find real experts on BPR, since; you are going to invest a huge sum of money  you need to have such experts to run the show